
Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Votes are In!

A kind thank you to all those who voted. My next theme post shall be:

... *drum roll* ...

The Fountain of Youth!

In other news, Google is working hard on developing it's latest Android Kernel (4.0), officially dubbed "Ice Cream"

Android will be keeping in line with it’s tradition to keep desserts close to it’s name.

Past versions of the OS include 2.2, which was dubbed “Froyo,”

short for Frozen Yogurt. The tradition goes way back for Android, starting with Android 1.5 (Cupcake)
Android 1.6 (Donut)
Android 2.0 / 2.1 (Eclair)
Android 2.3 (GingerBread)

and Android 3.0 (HoneyComb!)

As of yet, Android has never released an update to their OS without the name making sombody in the world hungry.

Android will be taking the functionality and versatility of both GingerBread and HoneyComb and combining them together with the new 4.0, Ice Cream! The plan is to develop Ice Cream to the point that even now as apps are being specifically developed onto the HoneyComb Tablet O.S., 4.0 will be able to run HoneyComb Apps on mobile devices like smart phones.

Hope everyone is surviving through the torture of finals
Enjoy this dancing Android


  1. great pics :D thanks for sharing

  2. I had no idea the androids updates were deserts. I'm SOOO out of the loop

  3. Nice post! Keep up the good blogging!

  4. a green doughnut looks good for some reason.. wonder what version my evo uses

  5. I've got to get a droid device and get more into this stuff

  6. Very interesting, never knew Android named stuff after food.

  7. Look at that droid dance! lol.

  8. LOL that android dances better than me x100000!

  9. Love the android pics! and android for that matter.

  10. Love android. The pictures are cute. haha
    I can't believe they're doing another one. I can't keep up. I'm still on froyo. Guess it's time for a new phone. (:

  11. android ice-cream + android honeycomb would be a nice combo
